From Hype Boss HQ
1515 S Cypress Drive Jupiter, FL 33469
November, 2023

Dear Valued Hype Fam — 

The initial response to our mini-launch has moved me beyond words, and if I’m being totally honest, the flood of inquiries (to work with our team) was totally unexpected.

As a result and to accommodate our current bandwidth, we will be offering our Personal Branding Strategy Sessions, and our additional services - including PR services, social media management, and content management - on a waitlist basis.

If you are a new client and would like to schedule your Personal Brand Strategy Session, please use the link below, and you will be placed in the queue.

Thank you so much for understanding, and thank you for your support during our ramp-up phase.


-Holly Meyer Lucas 

The OG Hype Boss and founder of this little miracle company, who is SO inspired by your overwhelming support. From the bottom of my heart - thank you, thank you, thank you. If you build it, apparently they do indeed come. I am so grateful.

Graphic for Hype Boss of Jupiter's website that says if it feels too self aggrandizing, braggadocious, self indulgent, or audacious, then we'll hype it up for you. Text is pink and blue.

Our services.